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Article Title: Janny Grein: Paying tribute to a Jesus music pioneer
Author of reported comment: Marty NessTux
Comment Date: 11:50 on Feb 16 2013
Comment: When I was a brand new believer, one day listening to music in a Christian bookstore in Colo. I came across music by Janny-I remember, "By His Word", Count It All Joy, "Think on These Things", and most worshipful, "Praise Him". All of her songs richly blessed me, and just yesterday in a Bible study, a sister in Christ's struggles brought Janny's songs to mind. I would like to buy that CD somewhere to share with my sister-it addresses and melts away much of this struggle I believe. I too am now on a search to find her albums for me and for others. Please let me know if you find some-even individual songs would be appreciated, especially, "If any man be in Christ. He is a new creation, old things are past away, behold everything has become new in him. God no longer knows the things that brought you to this place... These are very special songs of ministry-please let me know if you find, where I can get then too. Thank You Ever So
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