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Article Title: Charlie Landsborough: British country singer with a grassroots following
Author of reported comment: kenneth mills
Comment Date: 11:17 on Feb 26 2013
Comment: I first heard Charlie on Pebble Mill TV show, and was struck by the emotion that he put into the song "What Colour is the Wind". I was furtunate enough to be able to persuade Charlie's agent Ken Davies, to come and play on the island. At first he was unsure if his music would be accepted, There was no doubt and Charlie has become a very good friend not only to me but to all my family, we have met several times and when our son-in-law Cameron sadly passed away Charlie took time out from a busy schhedule to telephone me, something I will never forget. Bless you Charlie your a Star. Looking forward to March 5 2013 when we will meet again, along with Thelma, somebody who does not get enough praise.
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