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Article Title: Oz The Great And Powerful
Author of reported comment: Adrian
Comment Date: 03:41 on Mar 22 2013
Comment: Sorry have to disagree with most if not all of the above review.. admittedly the cinema was not packed to the rafters, BUT for me and my partner and those who watched, all looked entertained, I found it funny, witty, beautiful visual effects, thought the story was original and perfect for a follow up?? Maybe I need to look deeper as perhaps the reviewers have?? But sometimes films don't need to be majorly 'deep' it is what it is, it made sense to the story of OZ and how all became and laid a great foundation for a modern day sequel, with all the possibilities of further excitement like the 1985 version (which I loved).. Maybe the next one could be a lot darker to add a bit more edge perhaps - if that is what the reviewer is looking for?? Recommend to all lovers of the original.
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