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Article Title: Rob Ash: Welsh singer songwriter undergirded with 'Blue Steel'
Author of reported comment: Phil James
Comment Date: 23:21 on May 3 2013
Comment: Hey Nigel! Great to hear from you and how remiss of me for not having replied sooner! I haven't visited the Cross Rhythms site for some time and missed this completely. Not remember you? How could I forget our early forage into Simon and Garfunkel and Bob Dylan wonderland!! We both had 12-Strings and sang harmonies to our hearts content! Formative years for 14/15 year olds and very important to my musical journey! If you're ever down this way give me a shout. You can find me on the dreaded Facebook or even message me on Just releasing another album by the way. If you want to hear just go to Grateful for your friendship in my schooldays! Give my love to your sister.
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