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Article Title: God With Us
Author of reported comment: Jordan
Comment Date: 18:54 on May 21 2013
Comment: On this CD, Don Moen is not so much a worship leader as he is a kind of worship emcee. He only leads the occasional song or two, while the majority of the album time is spent listening to soloists backed by the choir, as well as listening to extended testimonies. These features are okay, but they make it less of a worship album and more of a concert album. I also must confess that the music production on this album is much different from other Integrity CD's. On those other CD's, the majority of the arrangements are done by Tom Brooks, whose signature musical excellence helped make the albums as popular as they were. The arrangements on God With Us are done by other arrangers and composers, and while they're okay, I found that their work wasn't quite as masterful as Brooks'.
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