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Article Title: Judy Mowatt: From Rasta to disciple
Author of reported comment: Chrismarr
Comment Date: 17:27 on Jun 24 2013
Comment: Hi, please follow the Lord Jesus Christ and him only. Not man, let me tell you my testimony. I used to be agoraphobic and depressed, on medication and couldn't take proper care of my child. Because of this, I lived a terrible situation and I cried out to God and begged him, with everything in me for help and for answers and guidance and he heard me and sent me Jesus Christ to come and give me peace in my heart. I didn't know Jesus's role was so important in getting to know God and that we have to follow Jesus and do the things that he says or else we will be judged at the last day. I didn't know God was real, I just thought he was religion and I asked him for help in desperation, with the little faith I had that he was watching and seeing everything I was going through. Jesus is real, and God led me to Jesus! I used to just think he was like a "character", I didn't realize it is only through him that we have access to God as our father or else we are still lost and don't know God at all. After God gave me peace and showed me he was real, I cried out to him for healing and he healed me, after that I was in religion because I still did not understand... I read my bible every night and my heart was opened but still yet I was missing power. Then I sought him for power and he showed me that I need the Holy Spirit, because to overcome sin and the lust of the flesh, and confidence is in the Holy Spirit. So God baptized me with fire and I received the Holy Spirit, in my room between me and God and I felt what Jesus described as being "born again", because I truly was not the same person but a different person, and eyes were seeing things differently, all my senses were awakened. I had to ask for the baptism, it was not just automatic as some may think. We have to ask and seek God, we can't just assume we have the Holy Spirit. God showed me that Judy Mowatt's music is of him, because a lot of Christian singers are not really glorifying God in their music.
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