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Article Title: Bob Dylan: The spiritual journey of a 20th century icon
Author of reported comment: Ttirb Snilloc
Comment Date: 03:52 on Jul 8 2013
Comment: I remember I was working on the brakes of a 1972 Datsun 240Z in Wheaton, IL when my friend told me that Bobby Dylan had been visiting a church somewhere in the Midwest area. That fact was supposed to be an absolute secret, but I was taken into this person's confidence so that I might be able to pray for Mr. Dylan's conversion. I have never met Dylan, but I feel a closeness to him because I prayed for him. I have always thought that Bob was saved based on the depth of the songs produced after he became a Christian. The thoughts and concepts in the songwriting were just too full of real honest to goodness sanctified wisdom and understanding. My trust in God would remain unshaken should I find that Dylan has fallen away. Because the Scriptures are clear that he was never of us if he falls away. But if I know that he walks with Christ, if Bobby Dylan still clings to the cross, I will rejoice! I will rejoice!
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