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Article Title: Lou Gramm: Foreigner's lead singer talks about becoming a Christian
Author of reported comment: Paul Di Toma
Comment Date: 22:05 on Sep 5 2013
Comment: After hearing Lou sing with John Schlitt, and John Elephante on "We need Jesus," I had hoped that he had become a Christian or was on his way, but it took me this long to discover what realy happened to one of my favorite vocalists. I found Christ down the road in Syracuse in 1981. Foreigner, Kansas, and Styx were my three favorite bands, and God used their music to draw me to Himself. I am so encourged by what God has done in your life Lou. As I was driving today listening to "So Great" tears welled up in my eyes as I listened and thought about what God has has done in your life. Glad you are a part of the family brother!
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