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Article Title: Our Darkest Hour
Author of reported comment: Dr. Richard Scott
Comment Date: 11:56 on Sep 19 2013
Comment: Steve - I'm writing a book entitled, "God - I've got Cancer", in which I encourage those with cancer (and other serious illnesses) to get good medical treatment and pray - providing stats that conclusively show that Christian faith benefits health. In each chapter I add a separate element - demonstrating how faith makes a difference to an individual. In one chapter, I'd like to mention the 2 national UK days of prayer in 1940 which had such an effect on the outcome of WW2. In coming across your excellent blog from 2007, would you mind if I use a little of your factual material to demonstrate my point? I'm aware that much of what you - and Joel Rosenberg, whom I've also written to - are writing about stuff from the past which is already in the public domain, but it would still be great to remind people now of how great God is - and how He changes lives should we ask Him! All the best, Richard
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