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Article Title: Stand
Author of reported comment: Don
Comment Date: 17:07 on Oct 7 2013
Comment: This is not quite the follow up to Healing Rain that one would expect. This set of works contains nearly 40 minutes of Michael music from a different perspective. First off, title song The Stand, stands out as a great new comeback anthem worship song. I happened to see a performance of this song in a concert clip before purchasing the cd. "Come and See" that follows The Stand was a song cowritten by Michael & his wife Debbie and some of their offspring. 3 of Michael's offspring sing bgvs for the song. Michael takes us on a little journey back in time to hear a chorus rendition of the late and talented Keith Green's beautiful "O Lord, You're Beautiful", nice job Michael. I really like "How To Say Goodbye" that he wrote with CCM's top leading lady Amy Grant. This song is too short like a goodbye (a little over 2 minutes)and probably would have faired better if recorded as a duet with Amy and lengthened in recording time. Finally we hear the ccm pop sensational tune that closes the songset "Escape Your Love". This is a great song, Michael barely brings it about in its best recorded form. This song could be taken two different ways, either way it has hit written on it. When I saw the song title "Open Arms" I was taken back in time again to Amy Grant's 1984 Straight Ahead. "Come to the Cross" did not have the song flavor I was hoping to hear, I love the lyrics. It could have been broken down into two different songs, one more mellower. This is nothing lilke "I'll Lead You Home" cd, however it is not a total failure, all is not lost. God Bless, Don
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