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Article Title: The Greatest Hits
Author of reported comment: Don
Comment Date: 20:46 on Oct 7 2013
Comment: 7 years ago almost same time frame, we were given the first "hits" collection. Now after about 4 more releases we gain yet another "hits" collection. I love the songs from "Go" cd "Something Beautiful" & "Wherever We Go". 2 new songs are added, the first reminds me of an old song I heard by it's title, and many would agree "I Fought the La...". "Million Pieces", "He Reigns", "Entertaining Angels", "It Is You", "Shine" & "Reality" top the list of my favorites. This was my first listen to "In the Belly of the Whale", great song for ccm wtg guys. Whereas the first "hits" contained 17 songs, this collection has 18. I missed not hearing "Where You Belong...." on this set. Filled with 1 hour 8 minutes of great Newsboys "now and then" style. God bless, Don
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