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Article Title: Sandi Patti: The inspirational balladeer and the great divorce
Author of reported comment: Karen
Comment Date: 05:45 on Nov 19 2013
Comment: Judge not least ye be judged. Let him without sin cast the first stone. Do not try and take out a splinter in your neighbors eye until you get the boulder out of your own. David it saids was a man after God's own heart but he committed adultery with Bathseba. We are suppose to forgive our neighbor 70x70! We sin everyday and yes she was in the lime light but she was just using the talent God gave her to glorify his name! That does not make her perfect just forgiven like we are everyday. I have given my all in my two marriages that ended in divorce and the bible said's there are two reasons why you can get a divorce and one is if your spouse is running around like my first divorce and then he hung himself so he committed adultery and then left me a widow and my second was verbally abusive but stayed in my marriage and did all I could to be a good wife and mother and my husband got on prescription drugs and went through our business and home and my personal money of $100,000 but was to sick to know what he was doing. I was still going to stay with him but I think God got me out of the suffering by letting him become a recluse and said he loved me but did not want to live with anyone and I think it is he could not look at me without feeling the guilt of what he had done so there was nothing I could do and Moses said if a husband leaves his wife he must grant her a divorce. I think there are a lot of Christians playing God or not being a good Christian by wanting to burn her at the stake instead of doing what Jesus would do and forgive! This is when a Christian needs to feel the love of others because they are all ready hurting.Pray for them and tell them that. I know what it is like to be judged by all people and that is the people at the church. All sin is equal. God forgave me and I forgive her because I do not even know all the circumstances. Show your Christian humbleness and ask them if there are anything they can do for them.
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