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Article Title: Another Way Of Looking At Genesis
Author of reported comment: Jim Randle
Comment Date: 09:52 on Nov 24 2013
Comment: I do not think that the creation story in Genesis should be taken literally. Scientists now know that the Earth is Four point Six Billion years old and that the universe is Thirteen point Eight Two Billion years old. They were not created together nor were they created in six days nor six of anything. The Sun is an average size star amongst between Two and Four Hundred Billion other Stars (Suns) in the Milky Way Galaxy which in turn is One of at least One Hundred Billion such Galaxies in the visible universe. Scientists have now found about One Thousand other planets orbiting other Stars (Suns). So we are probably not alone. Alien civilizations probably have various religions on each of their home worlds as well. As a member of the Baha'i Faith I believe that Science and Religion should go hand in hand and whats more we probably evolved and may have originally crawled out of the sea.
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