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Article Title: Max Divorce
Author of reported comment: mary
Comment Date: 21:29 on Dec 4 2013
Comment: Kevin, I will pray for you and your wife. Even though you are divorced in mans laws, I will pray for reconciliation and a miracle between you both. With JESUS nothing is impossible. I pray that your faith and hope in the Lord JESUS grows stronger as a couple, and flourish to your children. JESUS is coming soon, and I hope and pray that you be hidden in Christ and shielded and protected by the Lord through trials, persecutions ,temptations, and tribulations. Yes sin leads to death, but their is non righteous no not one. We have all fallen short of the glory of GOD, yet its not an excuse for us to continue to sin as believers and taking the grace of GOD as a form of liberality. GOD loves us so much he said we can confess our sins and HE is faithful and just to forgive our sins and cleanse of all unrighteousness. Seek the Kingdom of GOD first and His righteousness and all things will be added to you, weather in this life or next. Sometimes GODs people do suffer much in this life, but the Joy of the Lord is our strength and the hope of eternal life with our beloveth Savior. Look up and be encouraged Kevin, be holy and consecrate and sanctify yourself in prayer fasting meditating in the word of GOD and pray for your wife and her salvation. May the Lord JESUS be your strength in these times of dissapointments and give you peace and hope as you put your trust in HIM and Serve JESUS with all your heart, body, mind and soal. PEACE
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