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Article Title: Return To Ministry
Author of reported comment: Daniel Pietersen
Comment Date: 10:14 on Jan 18 2014
Comment: Hi,brother Terry,Wow! I love worship and your worship by the grace of God touching my spirit with power,I was just listening to a song" You are holy holy are you Lord God Almighty" with the earphones in my ears and I went in a deep sleep and then I heard myself singing the same song in my sleep that my spirit wanted to cry,I love that,it makes me feel to stay in the presents of God,like David says in Psalms.27verse4;One thing have I desired of the Lord,that will I seek after;that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life,to behold the beauty of the Lord,and to enquire in his temple.My brother, the Lord bless you and keep you and the Lord makes his face shine upon you in Jesus Name Amen!
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