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Article Title: Yours Sincerely
Author of reported comment: Alex Mills
Comment Date: 17:11 on Jan 20 2014
Comment: Yours sincerely - Harry Secombe Cd This CD was made in celebration of Sir Harry's 70 birthday. This Album just shows the great tenor voice at his best. Maybe not as powerful but with twice as much texture and wavering in his voice. These 18 songs really suit his voice and will leave the listener in need for more Harry Secombe. 1. Love changes everything 2. Sunrise Sunset 3. Amazing grace (Part Accapella) 4. The impossible dream 5. September song 6. A land for all seasons 7. IF 8. I'll see you again 9. Nessun dorma 10. The colours of my life 11. Cover me with love 12. The right to sing 13. Father of Girls 14. What kind of fool am i? 15. We'll keep a welcome 16. If I loved you 17. What a wonderful world 18. And yet
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