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Article Title: Worshipping Kids Vol 2
Author of reported comment: Sue
Comment Date: 10:14 on Jan 25 2014
Comment: I was so taken aback by the tone of Tony May's review that I have decided to leave my own comment. This tape is old now (1991), however, in its time it was loved and requested consistently for use both at home and in my car by my own child and the children of others, including those with no faith background. Regardless of Tony's sense of superiority over the "young 'uns" and "teenie-weenies", in my experience what matters is that they engage through worship - of whatever kind - with their Lord. I came online this morning to try to find a digital copy, now I am a grandmother because I have no doubts whatsoever that its popularity will have stood the tests of time and technology. Furthermore, I have no doubts over of the accessibility and spiritual basis of the songs for younger children's ears. Sophistication isn't always all that it's cracked up to be - I am 56 now and the songs still arise from within my spirit intermittently (as one has today) during quiet times of prayer. Long live the simplicity of children's praise!
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