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Article Title: Isla Grant: The Scottish country singer with the faith to end a drought
Author of reported comment: Sarah
Comment Date: 17:32 on Jan 29 2014
Comment: Hi My passion in life is music and I heard Isla for the first time one day on the radio and I was hooked I tried to find out more about her and any way I got her Cd and I had a small business and I always had music on in out shop . When I got Isla Cd I had it on every day and people started asking who is this lovely singer and I told them . One morning we heard that Isla was doing concerts in around where we lived and I thought my god I have to go but like a lot of other people I get it hard to go in a crowd so I did not get to it but so many people went to hear her because they had heard her in our shop and they told her where they heard her , I was so disappointed I did not go but I was afraid I would be put up to far from the Exit . Well let me tell you all the next morning who walked in to our little shop in the west of Ireland but yessssss the lady herself , my husband came running to tell me who was in the shop but I thought he was kidding me and he keep calling me to come and see I went still thinking he is kidding me and there she was The Lady Of Song Isla I nearly fainted I could not believe it so we talked well she did I was just frozen with delight at seeing my fav singer so went for a coffe and I still was in shock I will never for forget it , we moved house to another part of the town and I lost her address .. To this day I still play all her songs in my new business we have and lots and lots of people from different parts of the world have heard her in my place and I will always get a cd for them if they want it which most people do , so I am still doing my bit for one of the greatest singers and songwriters of all time and such a lovely person she has it all ..
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