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Article Title: Heartbeat: Charting the history of Britain's pop-evangelists-cum-praise-band
Author of reported comment: Dee Handbury
Comment Date: 22:47 on Feb 6 2014
Comment: Heartbeat were the first Christian band I had ever heard when I became a Christian and I went to spring harvest every year and would see trish Morgan and got to know her quite well. I was saddened when she left the band but was equally excited for her with her new family. I have never forgotten the inspiration and encouragement that heartbeat were in my baby years as a Christian. I have all there cassettes and would like to know if any of them have been made into CDs. I was also wondering if you would be able to help me as I used to have a cassette that was called "Lift up His banner" and wondered if you knew if it was available on CD. I am trying to trace the communion song that was on it. It goes like this "Though we are many we are one body, in Christ in Christ. And everyone members of one another, loving each other, with God as our father who loves us as a mother loves her newborn child". I found it a real strength but I've tried googling it but its not coming up at all. Many thanks. Dee
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