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Article Title: Last Train To San Fernando
Author of reported comment: William Gorrie
Comment Date: 08:48 on Mar 6 2014
Comment: I booked to see Lonnie Donegan at Farnham Art College, as it then was, only to find, on the night that Johnny Duncan and the Bluegrass Boys were replacing Donegan. Turned out that Donegan, turned solo performer, had flown off the day before for a short first, but successful, tour in the States. Duncan was really great that night and I became a fan immediately. I was heavily into skiffle myself and his (Duncans') songs resonated with me so much that I learned and played a few myself for a while. Apart from Fernando, the song that I went for at that time was "Doin' My Time", an old prison Folk song from the deep South that should have been a hit. I always reckoned it was better than Donegan's "Rock Island Line" was just a while too late. What struck me later of both these performers was the high, almost yodel, projection of their voices, which seemed to carry the true emotion of the lyrics of their songs, which I tried to emulate, of course.
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