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Article Title: What's So Special About The Bible?
Author of reported comment: les fletcher
Comment Date: 18:07 on Apr 4 2014
Comment: i will not argue about points in the Bible. but it was written by man inspired by God. he did not tell us everything, he told us enough for us to believe, it means more to him that his people believe by faith rather than proof. the Bible goes back approx 5000 yrs b.c. and has been consistant . science is not consistant it changes its mind at every whim and whisper. what have you got with science, ?? nothing, no plan, no proof, no values to live by, no future beyond this life, its harder to believe in science than God, you sound as though you were once a believer so i would just mention one fact .. God told Abraham to circumcise all males as part of his covenant with them, i have thought of these rules for living as hygiene based. what has now come to light is that circumcision vastly reduces the chance of catching aids or herpes. so in Africa people who have been circumcised have more chance of being aids free. this is what our God does he looks after us. awesome is the word i look for
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