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Article Title: Learning To Live And Love Life With Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy
Author of reported comment: Josh Luitjohan
Comment Date: 03:27 on Apr 11 2014
Comment: Reading through Steven's interview, I am filled with many thoughts and emotions that frequented my mind during the time I spent with Steven. I was fortunate enough to have worked as Steven's aide for a year. I entered the position looking for a job and I left with not only a friend, but someone who had influenced my life (& continues to do so) to great measures. Steven just radiates with joy and the peacefulness that surrounds his heart and actions is hard to not be contagious. It never ceased to amaze me how profound his knowledge of scripture is and I think it was our discussions centered around this topic that has guided the direction of my spiritual growth. I feel so very blessed to know Steven and am forever thankful that God placed him on my path in life.
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