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Article Title: Fallen Worship Leader
Author of reported comment: Louis B. Tobin
Comment Date: 05:04 on Apr 30 2014
Comment: Terry, Jesus will never forsake you or leave you. I'm a Christian, but I have sinned even looking at another woman. I'm so thankful that the Holy Spirit convicts me and I have repented. King David went into deep depression until he realized that God was waiting for him to repent. God did! So while we are still alive in this body, our flesh will try to convince us that sin is O.K. God sent his son, who was and is sin for us. He is our propituation and our heavenly advocate who loves us. Like Paul said. "I have to die daily. There will come a day. I'll pray for you my friend that God will restore you. The prodical son came back home after living a sinful life and his father ran to him with open arms. i believe God wants you back home.
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