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Article Title: Rappers Against Prosperity Gospel: The new wave of militant emcees
Author of reported comment: Angel Gonzalez
Comment Date: 10:13 on May 18 2014
Comment: I think you mis-understood G. Craige Lewis's position regarding Hip-Hop. He is not against Christian Rap, he's against the lifestyle/subculture of Hip-Hop. Shai Linne's style of Rap (Rhythm And Poetry) is very unique in that it teaches theology in form that I can understand since I grew up listening to rap music. You should consider buying G. Craige Lewis's DVDs. I've heard them all and visited his church. He makes it very clear he is against the sub-culture of Hip-hop and against gospel artists who are more interested in promoting themselves instead of GOD. Shai Linne always promotes the Trinity in his songs.
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