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Article Title: Aaron Shust: A Down Syndrome baby deepens faith for the worship man
Author of reported comment: H A B
Comment Date: 14:56 on Jun 8 2014
Comment: My son is a teenager and has downs syndrome, life without him would have been so different. He has made such a difference to our lives,the most amazing gift of God, and proved to us that its not a disabled Holy Spirit that dwells within him, but real, and vibrant, that is exhuberant in worship, and that is faithful.... Our son couldnt speak for many years, but he knew the power of Jesus to heal, when he was ill he wanted my hand on where it hurt and not medicine. A teacher called me when he was 7yrs old and asked if I prayed for my son, I told her yes why, she said that he recognised when children were ill and prayed for them and they got better! My problem is that he is so abandoned before the lord that it makes him cry at times during worship, or he will praise God louder that some, Im worried that people will misunderstand where he is coming from, Some may feel its for attention, but I find my son on his face in our prayer room crying out to God where no one sees for 20 mins and more, he is alone with a prayer shawl wrapped around him and he is in tears. Please pray for him, that he will not be misunderstood by us all, that we will be able to enable him to grow in his faith and expression of he Holy Spirit in him. My heart aches because I want to help him and protect him from being hurt. Our son is awesome, even pastors at a pastors conference were amazed by what happened as he laid hands on them, they began to weep and told us of how they were walking through fields of flowers! what is this they said. "I thought about it and knew it was the fragrance of Christ. Big Red a worship leader jumped down from the platform in south carolina ran over to our son, and said never had he seen anyone worship like our son. The testimonies and words over him are amazing. God bless you as you continue your journey of faith with your son Arun, and please pray for us as we try to help our beautiful gift of a son. blessings H A B
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