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Article Title: Presence Driven Worship: Prophet musician Stephen Bennett comments
Author of reported comment: Maria Ricci
Comment Date: 08:23 on Jul 1 2014
Comment: I still remember when you came to Nicaragua and taught us how to hear the sound of heaven. You said you could see the music floating around and all you did was to write it down and then sing it. I still own your cd's, tho they're scratched due to the use Your music continues to change my life. I play your music when on the airplanes when I go abroad and your music makes even more sense as I look they the plane's window so prophetic and beautiful. Thank you for that Steven and those who still get to hear you in person are blessed and fortunate to receive such importation you bring. You are Always appreciated by all of us and team. God bless and congratulations. May you continue to break ground beyond your dreams. I hope to see you/hear you speak again... If not here, then in heaven it shall be. María.
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