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Article Title: Uncountable Stars
Author of reported comment: DJ Shirey
Comment Date: 22:53 on Jul 24 2014
Comment: "Uncountable Stars" is a beautiful array of colorful vocals and sound. Truly one of the most ambitious works Joanne has released to date. Her angelic vocals draw you into a completely unique piece of art that whisks you away to wonderful heights and fantastic depths. “In That Moment,” with hints of Florence Welch of Florence and the Machine, reveals Joanne’s vocal strength, which bolsters the deep message of this gentle song. “Horse and Rider” offers hints of Dead Can Dance, where Joanne’s lilting vocals add a haunting air to its mystical and majestic musical style. The powerful piano-driven form of “Above the Storm” shares hints of Tori Amos. Upbeat and jazzy, “Kingfisher” offers a surprisingly restful picture of lying by the river watching nature. I personally appreciate how the song crescendos into a Southwestern/Mariachi-style flavor towards the end. “Come Away,” a personal favorite, has hints of the Icelandic band Sigur Rós. This eclectic collection offers so much more, and is beautifully blended together into one piece. The overall picture conveys a message of hope, faith, grace, and mercy in the midst of a very difficult world. In "Uncountable Stars," Joanne brings to the music world, a unique and beautifully personal piece of art: the depths of which one cannot completely take in with one listen.
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