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Article Title: Return To Ministry
Author of reported comment: Pam O'Neil
Comment Date: 23:42 on Aug 23 2014
Comment: Terry: A few years ago, we were in a horrible attack from the enemy. It was so severe, we thought we'd die under the attack of it, seriously...We got out all of our CD's we had of yours, and played them 24 hours a day. We'd have them in our vehicles when we left the house, and would have them going inside the house when we returned. We'd ONLY go out if we had to, the attack was so bad. I wanted to tell you that while we had your worship CD's going, the enemy would flee, and it is the ONLY way we survived!! We got through it, worshiping. That is how we battled this horrible thing, was with worship! You will never know the people you have helped, till we meet in heaven, but because of you, and the power of your worship music, my passion now is to bring as many people into worship that have never been there. I sign worship in my church, (I call it 'demonstrative worship'), and I've done specials worshiping in 'sign' with your music. The very first time I did that, the whole congregation stood to their feet mid way through, with tears streaming down their cheeks, with the power of the anointing that you brought to that song, which happened to be, "The Lord's Prayer ". I have prayed for you many times, that God would bring restoration to you! WE NEED YOU, AND YOUR WORSHIP, AND YOUR PRECIOUS HEART TO DO WHAT YOU WERE BORN TO DO!
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