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Article Title: Live: After All These Years
Author of reported comment: Tony Shuttleworth
Comment Date: 10:03 on Oct 15 2014
Comment: Hi Ian, just stumbled across this blog while searching for Glorylanders music. No one remembers you? Far from it probably. The first time I saw you must have been 1969ish at Forton Service Station on the M6 near Lancaster. I was with 2 school friends who were both Christians, and the whole atmosphere of the evening overwhelmed me so much, that I became a Christian. Your music overwhelmed me, and made me want to learn guitar which I did (within 6 months of picking up a guitar I was playing in a gospel folk group as we tended to be called in those days, also playing one or two of your songs), and 45 years later I'm still going strong (the music has , however, changed). The belief has suffered over the years, but I've never completely rejected Jesus. Neglected may be nearer to the truth (for want of a better description). Unfortunately I no longer have any Glorylanders music (hence the search). I had Volume 1, but that got left behind when my first wife and I separated. I can still play 1 or 2 songs from it at a push, though. I'll continue to look for possibilities to acquire recordings of your music. Even MP3's would be much better than nothing. Your group was the start to my really wanting to learn to play guitar. Today I can say that I am a pretty accomplished player and am grateful for the gift of music. Without Glorylanders, this would probably never have happened. Thank you.
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