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Article Title: The Sky Is Falling
Author of reported comment: Don
Comment Date: 21:07 on Dec 11 2014
Comment: So we travel back 35 years and get an early taste of Randy's coming of age ccm style. First off, the songs on this ablum do not resonate what one might term "christian music". The album of course, being produced by the late Larry Norman may have had a profound effectiveness on the outcome. In May of 1980 this now collective vinyl piece hits store shelves. The first song to catch my ear was "Through The Glass Darkly", you can hear Larry on bgvs well. BTW all songs were brilliantly written by Randy. I did enjoy the relax feel of "Venezuela", the sound of Randy that I initially became familiar with, especially on his follow up lp song "Letter To My Family". This song is nearly 7 minutes in length but worth the hear. The lyrics to side 2 starter "Counterfeit King" will grab the listener's ears, wtg Randy, I love it! btw this is another lengthy listen at 5 1/2 minutes. "Jamey's Got The Blues" is another nice easy listen, great bgvs for the song. "Emily" is another that reflects Randy's well known soothing sound; quite a poignant album song. 7 years later ccm artist Michael W. Smith would present us with another "Emily" on his live album. Side 2 closer contains the album title; Randy's rockin' number, kind'a has Larry Norman flavor to it. His next lp "Between the Glory and the Flame" would prove his ccm quality. God Bless, Don
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