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Article Title: Andy Thornton: Filling The Void Of Grief With Creativity
Author of reported comment: Gabe
Comment Date: 20:58 on Jun 20 2015
Comment: There's a song that was apparently written by Andy that I'm desperate to get a copy of. After some abuse and bad experiences with church all churchyard things became really triggering to my PTSD. For a few years I drifted away from God and it really grieved me but I couldn't find any way to connect with Him when any way I knew to do so the me into too much of a panic. Finally I began to come back to God about a year ago. By being really careful about what Bible translation and study notes I used (nothing that used 'churchy jargon or anything) I started managing to read the Bible and pray again. Then a couple of months ago God started putting a worship song into my heart sometimes when I was reading the Bible and praying. When I search for those songs and listen to them I find that God has healed the trigger for just that song. The most recent song was 'God is with the walking wounded', but the only place I could find that was on one YouTube video, and it was a much more jazzed up version than the one I remember. I couldn't find anywhere to download or buy the song but the owner of the YouTube channel told me to search for Andy Thornton to try to find the song. Do you know anywhere I could find a copy of it, especially if there's a more mellow version of it anywhere?
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