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Article Title: Sandi To Divorce
Author of reported comment: daji
Comment Date: 19:09 on Jun 25 2015
Comment: I love Sandi's music she was, is, and will be a great singer. I admire that even though the devil defeated he once she didn't give up, she knew that God is a God of second chances and she embrace that last chance to glorify the name of the Lord. it is so easy to judge but no one knows what really happened in their lives that drove her to do what she did. stop pointing fingers just like Pharisees and be like Jesus. he said to Mary Magdalene go and sin no more; he didn't accused Mary, he didn't through any stone on her, he showed her his love and mercy; if God did that for Mary who am I to do any different with Sandi. be real Christian stop being like the devil. so many Christian just go to church to say that they are with the Lord, but don't act like Jesus did. stop judging her because one day you will also be judge, and just because some of you decide to be martyrs in a relationship doesn't mean others have to do the same, stop comparing others with your self, every person is unique. pray for every one and live only your life.
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