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Article Title: Cannabis Decision By Durham Police - Nonsense
Author of reported comment: Adam Stewart
Comment Date: 01:36 on Jul 24 2015
Comment: I think this author has skipped over what is actually happening in this instance and instead gone onto the warpath against cannabis in general. What Durham police force are doing is using their discretion, when they're faced with budget cuts from government, decisions have to be made on where the budget goes. Do you want money going towards personal users of cannabis or catching rapists? Court costs of prosecuting the low level working class users or the violent gangs? You can decide. However I would like to point out some links to make sure this issue is put into perspective- More deaths in 2014 were from paracetamol than MDMA- A study saying alcohol is 114 times more dangerous than cannabis- In Colorado, where cannabis is regulated and taxed; out of criminal gangs' hands they have reaped in economic benefits giving them enough for a TAX REBATE- It's easy to hate cannabis and in an ideal world it wouldn't exist, however it does and when taken out of criminal hands and put into a regulated state where it can be controlled and taxed, children will be safer, users will be safer and the public as a whole will be safer.
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