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Article Title: Cannabis Decision By Durham Police - Nonsense
Author of reported comment: Amy
Comment Date: 13:51 on Jul 24 2015
Comment: (continued from previous comment) When someone (it doesn't even matter who, civilian or person of authority) decides to choose that a law doesn't need to followed, only bad can become of it. I hope that the decision of this police department doesn't have to great of an effect. And I hope this doesn't cause too much trouble as a whole. As far as the last paragraph in the previous comment: guns are legal in the United States. In 2010, there were a total of 30,470 gun related deaths. That’s homicides and suicides. Over 30,000 people dead in a year. That’s a tremendous amount of people! Does legalizing guns make our children any safer? I’d say not. Illegal guns are still everywhere here as well. So to say legalizing marijuana will make things better is not true.
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