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Article Title: Vinesong: The globe trotting worship ministry from South Africa.
Author of reported comment: Ajitha Mendis
Comment Date: 23:30 on Aug 11 2015
Comment: I'm a Worshipper & the Lord has given me a Ministry- Jehovah Shalom Min istries; a min. of Healing (Wholeness - 'Shalom'), a Min. of Reconciliation with WORSHIP at its Core! Just very recently, I came across Vinesong's Music videos; I cannot get over the Beau......tiful songs, such as Holy spirit move me now, Let your living water etc.!! I'm truly BLESSED ; Thankyou Lord for John & his team. I have been particularly impressed by Charlene who Worships with her Whole being - have never witnessed anyone with such a Beautiful anointed voice & who flows in the Spirit with appropriate movements! I have written to them inviting the Team over to my Native Sri Lanka; awaiting a response. Meanwhile, I called the USA office to make inquiries about CDs. Q: Don't they have a DVD; suggest they do one! Tel. 587 755 1755 I leave for Sri Lanka on sep. 10th & plan to be there for a min. of 6 mo. God Bless Ajitha
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