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Article Title: Sandi To Divorce
Author of reported comment: JLW
Comment Date: 04:21 on Sep 29 2015
Comment: Hope your comment and beliefs are consistent (which I doubt). While I'm not gay and have been in a loving marriage (by the grace of God) with my wife of 26 years, this "pick and choose" of Scripture is exactly why we are in the mess we are in today and divorce and remarriage in the church is NEVER preached against, and is the "norm" in todays society. You can't have it both ways, and look the other way because it is "straights" marrying and remarrying, (Bible calls living in adultery) while pointing the finger at the gay's and sentencing them to hell / eternal torment. Doesn't work that way and this is exactly why the double standard conservative Christianity is a laughing stock to the world. What's good for the goose.... is good for the gander. If it is "living in sin" for a gay person to marry or have sexual relations with another of their same sex, it is "living in sin" for a married person (Christian or not) to divorce, remarry and have sexual relations with another if their original spouse is alive. No getting around this if you are honest. Stop fooling yourselves, evangelicals! Honestly, when is the last time you heard a sermon on forbidding remarriage after divorce? IT DOESN'T happen!!! Stop the double standard!!! The world sees through that.
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