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Article Title: Cannabis Decision By Durham Police - Nonsense
Author of reported comment: Mark
Comment Date: 16:51 on Oct 1 2015
Comment: Your comment is clearly based on ideal... derived from some big heads, perhaps, but not based on reality. Destabilization due to more liberal laws has been happening in the west, we can see it daily in economic downturns, illegal aliens committing crimes and the moral convictions going down the tubes; euthanasia, prostitution, drugs, you name it. We have no real evidence that liberal policy on drugs makes places safer; Really, we have just the opposite. Top drug producers such as those found in Afghanistan, South America and Africa are among the most dangerous places in the world. If this was a mere matter of police discretion, why would they not also have the discretion to avoid making a public release about their actions? Effectively legitimizing their legally obligated opposition, in this case.
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