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Article Title: Return To Ministry
Author of reported comment: Jo Walker
Comment Date: 19:07 on Nov 9 2015
Comment: Terry... I stand in agreement with Garrett. to add to that is the truth that God mercies are new every morning like the dew. For all have indeed fallen short.. many in the public eye, far more in the privacy of darkness, but God knows it all. The songs the Lord has given you are my morning entrance into the throne room where Abba and I commune. Right now I am listening to Holy Holy Are You Lord.. to which I echo.. holy holy holy indeed are you, Lord. For the Lord is good and His mercy is everlasting. The thief comes to kill, steal and destroy. What he does not know is the work of the Spirit in worship within you will be or is already far greater than before the fall. May God be glorified in all that comes forth from your life and music.
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