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Article Title: Candy Hemphill
Author of reported comment: Cliff Pierson
Comment Date: 10:12 on Dec 6 2015
Comment: My name is Cliff (Bear) Pierson retired Army Ranger I did that for 17 :of 23 years. God had better plans for me to get out sometimes those plans hurt a bit my legs were broken pretty bad so the Army put me out to pasture. I looked at it as a turning point in my life it took over 5 years to get used to not being a Ranger anymore but the town of Cromwell needed a Christian leader. I can say there are more young Christians now. Your music inspired me. Thanks Candy for using your great talents of music and word to get through the toughest times in war you can imagine. When I had time to rest in played your music at first for entertainment then to really listen to the words rat taught me a lot about life.To your family from mine have a Merry Christmas to your family God Bless Bear.
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