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Article Title: Through These Eyes
Author of reported comment: Laurie E Roberts
Comment Date: 21:54 on Jan 4 2016
Comment: Shalom, I know its been quite sometime since I even visited this site. After reading Vins Honeyman I would like to add that I experienced 911 where I inhaled toxic fumes from the fallout. I had to be intubated several times. This was before I moved to the UK. Because of this experience my voice suffered but decided to continue on with G-d's plan. After ministering in concert for God's Chosen People I noticed that my throat was extremely sore. To make a long story short I had a couple of salivary glands removed and was diagnosed with cancer which was totally removed. I am working on strengthening my voice. I came to this country to minister and encourage people to press on through their lives despite going through rough patches on their lives. ALL Things Are Possible Through Christ Who Strengths Us. I am here to help. Toda Raba, Laurie
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