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Article Title: Mandy's Song
Author of reported comment: Lois Schwartz
Comment Date: 17:00 on Jan 11 2016
Comment: When my daughter Mandy was adopted back in 1977, I heard "Mandy's Song' on a Christian radio station while living in Abilene, Texas. I ran out right away and bought the album, and played that song many times through out her 22 years. When she passed away, at the age of 22, due to complications from the dreaded disease Lupus, that she only had for 2 years before it took her life, I had it played at her funeral. At that time, I felt I had to give the song back to the Lord, to whom I felt gave it to me when she was first put into our hands. I have made a memorial for her and would like to put that song on there, but it is not on youtube so I can link it to the memorial. There may be another way to do it, but I really don't have the technology understanding as to how. Anyway, that song has been very much a blessing to me, for all those years and still is played on the vinyl that I have of that album....Thank you for such a beautiful song.....
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