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Article Title: Should Britain Stick With The EU?
Author of reported comment: Jude
Comment Date: 22:02 on Feb 6 2016
Comment: If we do manage to get a 'Brexit' by God's grace, will the country be any more ready to turn back to the Lord? We can pray for it and wish it to be true. But if the decision is only made out of self-interest and we take the glory to ourselves, as we did last year when celebrating Magna Carta. Then there was no public acknowledgement that our precious freedom was gifted to us by God. Will the state of the nation be any less secular? With only the liberal voice of the church being reported and evangelicals shilly-shallying, will any deliverance be attributed to God's mercy? Apparently we are tied in by contracts that will continue anyway. Also some of the laws that we lament as Christians were whole-heartedly promoted by most of our politicians over the years and endorsed by an apathetic people, kept happy by bread and circuses (or welfare and reality TV?) Unless a clear voice of biblical prophecy is heard in the land (i.e. broadcast to the public without let or hindrance) the drive towards global government and inter-faith religion gives no hint of receding. Will we also be told to go back and vote again until those behind the wickedness in high places get the decision they have already agreed behind the closed doors of Davos? We were told back at the times of Maastricht and Lisbon that there is nothing in EU rules that allows a country to leave. Has anyone heard that this 'law of the Medes and Persians' has or can be repealed? I fear it will take more than Nigel Farage emerging from the European lion's den to deliver this land from God's judgement, brave fighter that he is. Having said that I believe before God that Christians need to vote leave. This is also the conclusion of this newsletter post received yesterday:
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