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Article Title: The Jungle Book
Author of reported comment: Terri
Comment Date: 23:32 on May 19 2016
Comment: Saw Jungle Book and support most of your views. Really enjoyed the characters and the drama surrounding the threat from Shere Khan to Mowgli especially. Good action. I wouldn't take children under the age of 7 as there is a lot more peril, threat and some of the animals appear a little scary at times unlike in the 1967 version.For me the let down was King Louie. He was not an Orang Utan but some prehistoric beast that somehow had survived thousands of years in India. None of the primates are natural inhabitants. I don't understand why they couldn't have escaped a Victorian British menagerie/zoo. Having had contact with the people of an Empire as a captive might have gone a long way to explaining not only how they got there but why Louie is obsessed with having power like Man. That was definitely the weakest point of the film. However it did not spoil our overall enjoyment.
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