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Article Title: Return To Ministry
Author of reported comment: Theresa
Comment Date: 08:38 on Jun 24 2016
Comment: Terry how grearful I am to our FATHER and LORD JESUS CHRIST, we all make mistakes,I have made the biggest mistake in my life I thought I could ever make,and I can't stop beating myself up,I know i'm forgiven,but it still hunts me,but everytime I full back or think about it ,the LORD brings me to you PRAISE and WORSHIP SONGS. My Brother I just want to say, no matter how long or how bad that sin is in our life,JESUS ALREADY PAID FOR OUR, PAST, PRESENT,and OUR FUTURE SINS,, it's like3:00am and GOD put you on my mind, I knew of your mistake and I was hurt for you and your wife,I am so sorry it didn't workout for the two of you, but I am so happy to know you both have forgiven each other,and still love and are still servicing the LORD, your music has brought me with the WORD OF GOD through many storms and many mistakes the,I wish all the Churches would have Praise and WORSHIP in their Church like you Praise and WORSHIP songs. My Bro. I wish you Great the BEST,may the LORD BLESS the two of you and your 3 sons. I am so very greatful that you didn't give up on the LORD,your sons, Greta,or yourself . I will keep praying for you and your Ministry,and your family,after all that's what JESUS and Paul said in the WORD,we are to PRAY ONE FOR THE OTHER,and NOT PULL DOWN EACH OTHER I love you my Brother,though we don't know each other nor have seen each other personally ,but we will be known to one another when we all get to HEAVEN WITH JESUS ,WOW WHAT A DAY THAT WILL BE ! ! please keep me in your prayers. GOD BLESS
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