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Article Title: Coyote Moon
Author of reported comment: Ian Rabjohns
Comment Date: 12:05 on Jul 15 2016
Comment: I was so happy that my son Matt bought this CD for me as a Fathers Day gift! Greg & Harold Wayne, are Mercy River, and I am so glad the two guys came together, as this album is brilliant! Terry Scott Taylor's musica & lyrical genius, & production, combined with the two guys of Mercy River, make this album very special. Terry even does BGVs on some of the songs. The album starts off with one of my favourite Lost Dogs songs, 'Reasonable Service', and just keeps on going!! I don' want to say too much about the songs on this Mercy River CD, as I'd like you to go out there immediately and buy a copy, so you can form your own opinions! I don't want to be a 'spoiler!!' Going on, buy a copy! (P.S. Any album produced by Terry Scott Taylor, is a must, by the way!!)
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