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Article Title: Kevin Prosch Confesses Sin
Author of reported comment: Mercy
Comment Date: 06:37 on Aug 2 2016
Comment: The anointing on Kevin is not ordinary or easy to carry as a human being. I listened to Kevin at a live worship in Kensington Temple London in 1993. I bought 2 of his cassette tapes at the end of the concert. Maybe because I was hearing gospel music newly or because I was hungry to know what it is about being in Christ - I am not ashamed to say that God used his music to set me free from the spiritual bondage that included not knowing or feeling that God loves me. "His Banner over me is love" broke through into my heart and declared God's love. Another wonderful song is "Consuming Fire." I watched, I sang, and I prayed until God's Consuming Fire consumed every planting of satan working in my mind and in my life and also consumed every weapon without me. My life changed incredibly. Hearing about Kevin's fall - I was not surprised at all. The devil is very jealous of Worship leaders and because most times, he cannot kill them, he sets the kind of ambush against them that will bring them down to silence with a resounding crash. The Christian body reacts with rejection, and satan likes that just as he was rejected - such worship leaders too are rejected. I challenge anyone to listen to his song "Save us O Lord." America needs to sing this song in unison. I know if a single day was selected for singing this song at the same time - and in one voice we REPENT as we sing this wonderful song - times of refreshing will return and fill our nation again. As for me Kevin, I love you and ask you to keep on listening in the Spirit - we need to stop singing 'simple songs' and it is worshippers like you that bring songs that make God to step down from heaven and make the gates of heaven to surely fall. Kevin, God does not condemn you - just like He did not condemn David and Peter - He stretched out His Hand, you have grabbed it - stay with Him. Avoid things that caused you to stumble. Remember 'Come to the Light' your own song.
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