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Article Title: Return To Ministry
Author of reported comment: Cathy Jessee
Comment Date: 16:35 on Oct 1 2016
Comment: I was late getting to know the author of so many great worship songs. I had listened but not paid attention to who sang them or who wrote them. My worship leader is wed so many of your songs and i would sing them. I started youtubing your songs and me and my little granddaughter would watch you play. She is very active and I discovered that she would suddenly relax and become peaceful and finally go to sleep. It was amazing to watch the Holy Spirit come over a cause peace to relax her. She is soon to be four and we've been listening at nap time for 3 yrs. Terry, I'm sorry for what you went through but I will say it make you more "touchable" and human like all of us born again believers. You fell and you rose again in the appointed time. Praise God!!!
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