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Article Title: Fallen Worship Leader
Author of reported comment: child of the king
Comment Date: 18:38 on Dec 9 2016
Comment: Dear terry and your beautiful wife you need to receive gods grace in this situation in this time only the lord your god understands the heart are not the lord mercy's are new every morning , I read how your mother gave her self to the lord for your life in prayer and here you are clearly the devil loves all christains who make mistakes but now you have to clean on the scriptures so you can bring glory to god , I want to say you are weak both of you but understand it restoration which will glorify the saviour . terry you have failed in this matter but terry its not without forgiveness , you are a man who clearly wants to be restored or you would not be in this place . it takes a second to be retored , to be recognised with your wife a moment as well , you need to say sorry and believe you are forgiven if your wife has forgiven you and the family then you must take hold of that forgiveness for your self it works both ways terry we forgive but we must forgive are selves to , we struggle all of us do with forgiving are selves but its not impossible to do it , just receive so others can see its possible to . you must kick the devil in the pants don't let him win your marriage or family , don't give god your heart , be broken and go back to god ok , its vital to restore it will change your family so much more , your music comes from above I want to say 2 night in a row I couldn't slee for be troubled ok your songs came over the radio I didn't know the time i just new that god had touched my heart with the words of restoration . Psalm 46. 10 be still and know you are god. Hebrews 4..9.10 there is still, a rest for the people of god .
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