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Article Title: Lou Gramm: The onetime lead singer of Foreigner speaks about his faith
Author of reported comment: Carolyn S. Church
Comment Date: 11:09 on Dec 17 2016
Comment: I have been lucky to have seen Foreigner several times with Lou. I met him once with my daughter after a concert in Toledo,OH.. After Lou had the successful brain surgery my daughter & I went to see him (with Foreigner) in Clarkson,MI. We were both very grateful that he was alive & able to sing again. We both cried because Lou's voice didn't seem as strong & his rhythm was slightly off. Not sure how much time passed but, I went to see Foreigner with Lou again. I was lucky to be in the 1st row & after the concert I told Lou that his voice & rhythm was better. He smiled & mouthed thanks. I haven't been able to see Lou again since he has been performing with his brothers. Hopefully someday - soon. I will never go to another Foreigner concert because without Lou there is no Foreigner. Thanks to the Neuro-Surgeon & God Lou is alive & performing!
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