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Article Title: The Venturers: Britain's pioneers of contemporary Christian music
Author of reported comment: Roger Taylor (Rev)
Comment Date: 22:24 on Jan 25 2017
Comment: It was great to find this article after a frustrating search for information. As a teenager, I met the group when they came to Banbury Bap for a mission. I was taken aback by John 3:16. My wife and I still have the record 50+ years later. As a Bap Min, I've had the pleasure of introducing this song to several churches, including Kaikohe B.C., NZ! Even now, many young/older people don't know what to make of it - but they love it. I've often wondered where Mike's ministry took him, and if he's still around. Thankyou to all who created The Venturers. And well done George B-M too.
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